Fun Website Updates

Bandwidth Exceeded!

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

Hey folks. I just discovered this morning that we had exceeded our bandwidth for! The site was blocked by an automated script that shuts us down if we ever go over. Ordinarily we do not, but apparently, traffic is UP. That’s fantastic! Thanks for visiting, and keep coming. I hope that this will not only be the place you can grab our weekly (or more) shows but also get some great content from other Bills fan/writers, and links to other great Bills stuff… just a fun place to stop by for Bills fans!

Don’t forget that we have a “promote” page here where you can get graphics to include on your own website, or maybe emails. We’ll get a little form up there soon where you can let a friend know about the Buffalo Bills Review right from that page.

Also, tons of “fun” stuff at the fun page. (The BBR Guys predictions, some crazy fun Bills-related songs, a fairly regularly updated poll, and much more.

So thanks for visiting, listening, and let’s keep it going!

Go Bills!