News Offseason Players

Peters to End Holdout?

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According to Adam Schefter of the NFL Network Jason Peters is set to end his hold out. Chris Brown passed along this news on his blog, and I’m sure updates will be posted there.

What do you think? How do the Bills move forward with Peters? What gives? Can you really not talk to anyone on your team for most of a year (and not show up for any scheduled work during that time) and just move ahead like nothing happened?

The report is he may play as early as next Sunday (Sep 14, Jags) but he can’t be in great football shape, and there have to be some rifts that his holdout created. It shows lack of commitment to the team, and his teammates. Unacceptable. I believe he is only returning so he doesn’t pay $200K per missed game or whatever it was going to be. Obviously he is talented… we’ll see if that talent can smooth over this very poorly handled situation.

UPDATE: Peters will report to Bills Saturday morning.