
BBR News – Week 0

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

Since we haven’t officially started the season yet, I think this should still be Week Zero… 🙂 With the first game coming up, there were a few things that I wanted to post here … informationally speaking:

  • BBRGameDay Chat:
    Starting this Sunday, BBR will be opening an AIM chat room (BBRGameDay) and there and available to chat throughout the game. It could be like watching the game with 200 of your closest friends. Or 2000!? So, click the BBRGameDay link and follow the directions there to join in the chat. (PS… if you are a Windows user, and can add anything to the directions on that page, please add them as a comment here. Thanks!)

  • BBR @
    Don’t forget to stop by Greg’s blog at the Bills website! You can get there via the link at the top navigation row here at Sign up for a Bills Backers account and login and add your thoughts on the articles posted there, too!
  • BBR Weekly Poll
    We’ll be putting up a weekly poll again through the whole season, so be sure to stop by the front page of and tally your vote. This week, what do you think the Bills 2006 record will be? Vote now!
  • Links Mentioned On Show 2.1.03
    Just so there’s an easy way for you to see a couple of the sites we mentioned, you can click their names here to see their sites. The BBR will be on All WNY Radio on Tuesday nights @ 8pm starting this week. Also, BBR is part of the Rants & Raves Network which was started by the NFL Rants & Raves Podcast, a show covering all of the NFL action, twice a week.